February 16, 2021 – A virtual consultative meeting was conducted by ISAT University and its stakeholders in preparation for the fiscal year 2022 budget. Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre Jr., the VP for Administration and Finance, spearheaded the said consultation through the online platform Zoom.

“Our government is continuing the modernization of the national budgeting system to improve the efficiency of the underlying processes like planning, procurement, cash management and payment. These improvements in our public financial management systems are aimed at increasing the volume and enhancing the quality of our public services especially in the SUCs set-up just like ours. This gathering is very important and crucial as we prepare our budget for FY 2022 because we
wanted to involve all our key officials and stakeholders,” Dr. Salistre stated during his opening message.

Dr. Muyong, the university president, gave emphasis on the different achievements and milestones of the University despite the different challenges each department, college, and campus faced during the COVID-19 outbreak. The University continued giving its best especially for the students who are aiming to have quality education in the midst of different threats brought about by the COVID-19.

The meeting proper started with a plenary gathering and right after the messages from Dr. Salistre and Dr. Muyong, the breakout sessions commenced. ADCO members were identified to act as the main facilitators and moderators of the five different pre-assigned group – Faculty, Alumni, Students, Non – Teaching Personnel and Parents.